Donnington Group

The modern merger and acquisition process necessarily involves a comprehensive overview and understanding of the IT architecture of both entities. Any delay in executing critical processes, such as data migration and/or systems integration, can be crippling and may lead to ballooning costs.
Experienced Team
Our team has successfully overseen multimillion-dollar mergers and acquisitions as well as managed the development and implementation of new systems. We handle everything, including:

  • Merger and acquisition planning
  • Comprehensive systems audits
  • Asset mapping
  • Infrastructure review
  • Staffing assessments and training
  • Customisation of physical and software solutions
  • Systems overhaul/update and integrations
  • Data migration and security
  • Development of new operational processes

In general, we are there to ensure that both entities are fully equipped to manage the process and that the said process is executed as quickly and as seamlessly as possible.

Failed or stalled software development project? We encounter those kinds of emergencies all the time. 

Failed or stalled software development project? We encounter those kinds of emergencies all the time.